and if you like this (and I sure did) go here
Enjoy your summer!
Remember to visit me at my personal page if you miss me! Ha Ha Ha!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sunday School Picnic -- June 14th
Hope everyone is hyped for the big picnic...and the "very first Church Picnic" play performed by all our kids and written by congregant, Wayne Bryant. A perfect close to the Sunday School year. We'll be dressed a tad bit more informally than in this photo...but you can bet there will be watermelon!
By the way, this blog will close down soon as I leave for summer R&R which means gardening, reading, and just spending time with my honey.
See you at the end of August for Vacation Bible School
August 17th through 21st.
Have a great summer.
God's peace.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thomas Berry dies at 94
It is a sad day for me...for Thomas Berry who calls himself not a theologian , but a geologian (an Earth scholar) has left us to carry on his "great work." May we be worthy...
earth scholar,
thomas berry
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Pentecost -- birthday or anniversary?
While we often hear that this upcoming Sunday called Pentecost is the birthday of the church, there is much evidence to the contrary. For one it was a Jewish holy day, long before it was assimilated into the Christian mindset and for another thing those first celebrants were Jewish and probably had no intention or inclination to found another new faith tradition. Jesus, himself, seemed to be trying to induce those of the Jewish sects (yes Judaism was and is as diverse as Christianity was and is) to be imbued with God's spirit and not to get stuck perseverating about doctrines and dogmas.
Still there is from all accounts something very momentous that happened that day of wind and fire. The Spirit got through; they felt it -- better than that they acted on it and we had hope for a while that all peoples of earth would be able to unite in their joint search for truth and meaning, that is, for right relationship with God.
Now this is not to say that God was or is or can be defined by what we read in the Bible. There is much wisdom in the Bible, but if you try to define things like God who is ineffable and indescribable, then you will definitely run into a lot of trouble. Mostly what I learned in seminary is that much of the metaphor and seeming contradiction is there intentionally because the wise people who tried to capture relationship with God were forcing us to realize that what was written down was metaphor, allegory, instructive, wisdom -- but not literal fact or history as we would now know it.
History for the ancients -- and up until fairly recently -- was a very different kettle of fish. And when you can grasp that God is out of time and space, then you can see how futile it is (and always will be) to try to pin God to something so subjective as "history." Even when we take accounts from bystanders at an event like an "accident" we will hear quite different stories. This is not to say that anyone is intentionally lying, just that what they saw was through their own eyes and hence will be biased by their own histories, perceptions, and prejudices. (Yes, we all have them and that is not bad, it just is.)
So, when I speak about Pentecost, it may be quite different than what you have come to expect. I try to let God speak through me and not get in the way...but I am human and I have my own "take" on justice, mercy, humility, spirit and so on...
If you find what I say resonates with you, or if you find that what I say gets your hackles up -- you're right. We can agree, or agree to disagree, but we are still in the same boat. We are Christian...whatever stripe or colour.
And we can all live at peace with broken open hearts and satisfied minds...
Still there is from all accounts something very momentous that happened that day of wind and fire. The Spirit got through; they felt it -- better than that they acted on it and we had hope for a while that all peoples of earth would be able to unite in their joint search for truth and meaning, that is, for right relationship with God.
Now this is not to say that God was or is or can be defined by what we read in the Bible. There is much wisdom in the Bible, but if you try to define things like God who is ineffable and indescribable, then you will definitely run into a lot of trouble. Mostly what I learned in seminary is that much of the metaphor and seeming contradiction is there intentionally because the wise people who tried to capture relationship with God were forcing us to realize that what was written down was metaphor, allegory, instructive, wisdom -- but not literal fact or history as we would now know it.
History for the ancients -- and up until fairly recently -- was a very different kettle of fish. And when you can grasp that God is out of time and space, then you can see how futile it is (and always will be) to try to pin God to something so subjective as "history." Even when we take accounts from bystanders at an event like an "accident" we will hear quite different stories. This is not to say that anyone is intentionally lying, just that what they saw was through their own eyes and hence will be biased by their own histories, perceptions, and prejudices. (Yes, we all have them and that is not bad, it just is.)
So, when I speak about Pentecost, it may be quite different than what you have come to expect. I try to let God speak through me and not get in the way...but I am human and I have my own "take" on justice, mercy, humility, spirit and so on...
If you find what I say resonates with you, or if you find that what I say gets your hackles up -- you're right. We can agree, or agree to disagree, but we are still in the same boat. We are Christian...whatever stripe or colour.
And we can all live at peace with broken open hearts and satisfied minds...
Christian education,
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Here comes summer...
Today, the weather was summer-like, but that will change. However, just wanted to share that our VBS (vacation bible school) is in full registration mode. Forms will be available at a special table this Sunday and henceforth in the Church Office. Also we are hoping to recruit volunteer helpers. There's lots of variety in this year's think about it.
Our play is in place for the Sunday School Picnic on June 14th too. Wayne Bryant will soon be auditioning and rehearsing the children to perform a little play he wrote on the "Boy with the Fishes".
So be prepared to enjoy lots of intergenerational fun from June through August! Whoo hoo summer bring 'er on!
bible school,
Godly Play,
Sunday School,
Monday, May 18, 2009
A real holiday weekend...
On Friday night/Saturday early, early morning, I had a little health scare. No details...just suffice to say that I realized that I needed to take a vacation from stress and worry...which meant I actually rested a lot on Saturday (Jeff's good advice. I did a wee bit of art, read a tiny bit, knitted one repeat (4 rounds) of socks and generally stayed on the couch. Then Sunday I took the day off (gasp!) You heard right I did not attend any church on Sunday. I can't believe it myself...but you know was a great day. More -- in larger doses -- of what I did on Saturday, but I also made supper and it was good too. Then today it was warmer, well the wind had died down and that made a big difference. So more of the same and a little (very little) gardening thrown in. I am starting to feel like my old energetic self and also feeling very hopeful and positive...something that has eluded me for a bit...Won't go into details about that either. Just say, I am doing the "morning pages" again and getting in touch with both me and God. Not a bad thing, that.
morning pages,
Sunday School,
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A new loop!
Today I was invited to take the pulpit at the Chesley-Dobbinton Charge in Bruce County. The countryside around there is truly beautiful, sort of like the great folks we met today at each congregation. The children at St. John's in Chesley made me feel like skooching them they were such sweeties. And Owen knows how much Nana likes to skooch!
Pulpit supply has a way of introducing you to people that you would like to see and know more of. Spend more time with. Our camera was recalled so I don't have any pictures today, but there are some coming soon. So keep a look out--as the saying goes. Be posting more later, just wanted to say hey and keep you in the loop ...
Went to Southampton after to pick up Jeff's two prints -- one of which was in the recent Gallery show there. The lovely one that I liked didn't sell...sad to say, but good for me as it is one of my faves. No figuring people's taste (or imho lack thereof) so it was a loop of sorts...Owen Sound, Dobbinton, Chesley, back through Dobbinton to Southampton and back to Owen Sound. The trip back was especially enhanced by the lovely sunshine.
Glad to see it today...look out tonight...frost warnings~ So no gardening today, except for a few dandelions that were sacrificed in the name of order. Sorry to the "Dandiest of Dandelions" Someday, if these folks (that is My Sweet Patootie)are ever in your neighbourhood...check them out! Great energy, great music!
Bruce County,
Mother's Day,
pulpit supply
Friday, May 1, 2009
What does God expect?! or I am only human!
But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously - take God seriously. Micah 6:8
Gracefully, when we fall short, God still loves. Thanks be to God!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
We are not alone...
This session in Sunday School, the children are learning "A New Creed" initiated by the United Church of Canada in 1968 (they don't think that's very new!)
Now you can learn it too!
Now you can learn it too!
embodied prayer,
United Church of Canada
Monday, April 27, 2009
Jackie Ralph, the Coordinator of F.A.N. (Friends and Neighbours) Club Grey Bruce is coming to Meaford United on May 3rd. Whoot! that is less than a week away. Your child from 8 to 12 can participate in a program offered to children from junior kindergarten through to grade six. Jackie and helpers with child sized puppets will present a skit to the children on self-esteem to help promote mental health awareness to the children. A question and answer session follows each skit.
For more information about Mental Health Week or the F.A.N. Club of Grey Bruce you can go to the CMHAGB Website
Oh and by the way, Jackie is also known as the singing puppeteer and she will honor us with a sung version of the 23rd Psalm.
Join us at 10:30 Sunday morning and bring a child! You'll both be in for a treat!
Oh and if you are a grown up who just LOVES puppets (like me) visit my friend Lani's website and find out how you can enjoy making and playing with puppets! By the way, Jackie welcomes new volunteers to help with these puppet shows...consider volunteering when she is here...
For more information about Mental Health Week or the F.A.N. Club of Grey Bruce you can go to the CMHAGB Website
Oh and by the way, Jackie is also known as the singing puppeteer and she will honor us with a sung version of the 23rd Psalm.
Join us at 10:30 Sunday morning and bring a child! You'll both be in for a treat!
Oh and if you are a grown up who just LOVES puppets (like me) visit my friend Lani's website and find out how you can enjoy making and playing with puppets! By the way, Jackie welcomes new volunteers to help with these puppet shows...consider volunteering when she is here...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
"Give to us laughter"
Yesterday we celebrated Humour Sunday at Meaford United Church. I hope everyone left with a light heart, I certainly did. Many thanks for all those encouraging words on my children's story and reflection (some might call it a sermon). The weather was perfect too.
Today it is a "blustery day" and the rain is coming down, down, down. So... I am preparing for May 3rd when Jackie Ralph will be coming to do a puppet show on self-esteem for the Sunday School. It gives me cheery thoughts to think of all our wonderful youngsters and some of our not-so-youngsters enjoying the exuberance and grace that Jackie has bubbling out of her. Oh and anyone of any age is welcome!
I will again be in the pulpit. This time all alone as Rev. Judith is taking some well earned away time. Before Jackie goes upstairs for her time with the Sunday School, she will sing the 23rd Psalm. Just knowing that "the Lord is our Shepherd" should help us to realize how wonderful we are...
Also Jackie tells me today that she is available and willing to do a puppetry workshop with all interested. It will be toward the middle of June. Keep tuned for details. You can post a comment here and I'll get back to you with updates regularly.
Also we have chosen our VBS (Vacation Bible School) program for 2009...It is Camp E. D. G. E. We are gonna' have a blast, so get ready to register! Whoo hoo you won't want to miss out on the fun!
self esteem,
Sunday School,
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Another Holy Day gone to consumerism!
I do hope you will visit Overturning the Tables a blog by Julie Kincaid. You can learn about how our holy days are being co-opted by the marketing world.
And while you're at it you might like to watch this video. It's 20 minutes long, but when you have a minute it's well worth the watch...The Story of Stuff
It was created by Free Range Studios ... another wonderful place to have fun while you learn about what's real and what's important.
And if you're feeling frazzled, come back for a wee meditation...
And while you're at it you might like to watch this video. It's 20 minutes long, but when you have a minute it's well worth the watch...The Story of Stuff
It was created by Free Range Studios ... another wonderful place to have fun while you learn about what's real and what's important.
And if you're feeling frazzled, come back for a wee meditation...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Well, it's April Fool's Day...
Don't get fooled today! I did, I was tricked by the weather forecaster...But the robins seem happy with the rain.
Good day to take a short meditation break.
And then it's back to working on the databases for the Vacation Bible School...Oh, you didn't know we were having VBS again this year. Well, for sure we are! Want to be a part of this exciting event? Watch for more news or give us a holler and get on board!
Good day to take a short meditation break.
And then it's back to working on the databases for the Vacation Bible School...Oh, you didn't know we were having VBS again this year. Well, for sure we are! Want to be a part of this exciting event? Watch for more news or give us a holler and get on board!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Spirituality Type Quiz...
Here are my results from doing the MethodX quiz here...How many would agree?
You are a Prophet, a crusader with a kingdom spirituality. You experience God best through serving others. You value competence and knowledge, and are good at leading and influencing others. Prophets are devoted to their causes, often becoming assertive and aggressive as you implement a vision of the world as God's kingdom on earth. You are our heroic change agents and we admire you for that. Single-minded and deeply focused, you aren't content until society has been transformed.
Prophets are the least represented spiritual type in the general population. You also are the hardest spiritual type to be around, mainly because you make the rest of us feel guilty for not having the same zeal for change that you do. We admire you for sacrificing your personal life for your hope of the kingdom realized on earth, but we are uncomfortable around martyrs.
You have a courageous and sturdy idealism that takes responsibility for change. But, your passion for transforming society can lead you to become impatient with congregations and their perceived lack of concern. You fit best in a hospitable, like-minded community that shares your vision.
Nevertheless, be careful not to become so involved in your cause that you neglect your inner life. Attend as much to your inner life as outer life. One will nourish the other.
Famous Prophets:
Mother Teresa | Ralph Nader | John Calvin
Lucy (Peanuts) | Rosa Parks | Dorothy Day
Joan of Arc | Martin Luther King, Jr.
Jeremiah | Malcolm X | Ghandi
You are a Prophet, a crusader with a kingdom spirituality. You experience God best through serving others. You value competence and knowledge, and are good at leading and influencing others. Prophets are devoted to their causes, often becoming assertive and aggressive as you implement a vision of the world as God's kingdom on earth. You are our heroic change agents and we admire you for that. Single-minded and deeply focused, you aren't content until society has been transformed.
Prophets are the least represented spiritual type in the general population. You also are the hardest spiritual type to be around, mainly because you make the rest of us feel guilty for not having the same zeal for change that you do. We admire you for sacrificing your personal life for your hope of the kingdom realized on earth, but we are uncomfortable around martyrs.
You have a courageous and sturdy idealism that takes responsibility for change. But, your passion for transforming society can lead you to become impatient with congregations and their perceived lack of concern. You fit best in a hospitable, like-minded community that shares your vision.
Nevertheless, be careful not to become so involved in your cause that you neglect your inner life. Attend as much to your inner life as outer life. One will nourish the other.
Famous Prophets:
Mother Teresa | Ralph Nader | John Calvin
Lucy (Peanuts) | Rosa Parks | Dorothy Day
Joan of Arc | Martin Luther King, Jr.
Jeremiah | Malcolm X | Ghandi
Which Widow?
I participate on the new Church Leadership Network. Someone there posted this comment about the "widow's mite" banner. Let's get the conversation going? What do you think. I am asking the quilters from Lion's Head to get in on the discussion because they are the talented artists who created these works...
These are beautiful banners! Over the years I have often heard bits of news about Lions Head. It must be a vibrant congregation.
(click when the hand shows to "embiggen" the image for more detail)
For this banner, you seem to be combining two different stories in your title and description. One parable is Luke 15:8 about a woman who loses a coin and sweeps the house until she finds it. The other story is about a widow who is praised by Jesus because she gives all that she has to the poor (Mark 12 and Luke 21). I am curious - which story is it that is depicted in this banner? It looks like it is probably about the widow giving all she has.
These are beautiful banners! Over the years I have often heard bits of news about Lions Head. It must be a vibrant congregation.
(click when the hand shows to "embiggen" the image for more detail)
For this banner, you seem to be combining two different stories in your title and description. One parable is Luke 15:8 about a woman who loses a coin and sweeps the house until she finds it. The other story is about a widow who is praised by Jesus because she gives all that she has to the poor (Mark 12 and Luke 21). I am curious - which story is it that is depicted in this banner? It looks like it is probably about the widow giving all she has.
Bruce County,
Lion's Head,
United Church,
widow's mite
Monday, March 30, 2009
'I Will Wait' by Maggi Dawn, set to pictures to celebrate 'Back to Church' week at Only to be distributed by permission. Music by
I think this is a wonderful meditation ... if we are harried by the brief return of winter today....Remember we are an Easter people!
Meaford United Church,
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The unique pulpit cloth cross at Pike Bay United Church
And the lovely stone wall with the cross at Central United, Lion's Head
Each of those stones ... even that tiny black one at the tippy top ... represents someone in the congregation. What a lovely statement of community!
These two churches -- as lovely as they -- cannot convey what wonderful people they hold of a Sunday.
Here I spend a Sunday a month with open and loving people. They will soon have their own minister -- for whom they have waited long and hard -- and I am happy for them. I am also very grateful for their warm reception when I do show up.
I'll post more later, but I just had to share these images with you.
Pike Bay United in winter
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Meditation for today...
Pike Bay United and Central United, Lion's Head -- You Rock! Thanks for such a warm welcome back. We had a great day didn't we. As promised you will be featured this week. While I am preparing this extra big and delightful view of your churches, please quiet your mind and participate in this little Lenten Meditation. See you soon!
Lion's Head,
Pike Bay,
United Church
Thursday, March 19, 2009
No time, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late....
Yes today I feel like the "White Rabbit" in Alice in Wonderland
It's the rubber hits the road and I am busily writing my sermon for Sunday. Don't always leave it this late. So I'm unable to spend any time writing for you about what I am doing, because, well, I'm busy doing it.
Here is a pic of Sparky with me at Elsie Perrin Estate in London
and a video ...
hopefully they will suffice till later.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Godly Play!
Well, I am home. It was a long four days...Toronto, Owen Sound, Meaford, Windsor and back home again. With lots of ideas, and a new addition to the family. Sparky is his name and he is a 9-1/2 year old Brittany (liver and white) with a gimpy right rear leg, but an adorable grin and a great disposition. He's happy. We're happy. Mrs. MacDuff is ... shall we say... adjusting...
The Godly Play workshop was an incredible eye opener. I can't wait to dive into the deep water and take the 3 day certification. Albeit, we may have to adapt and adjust even ease into the waters, but it will be so worthwhile for our wee kiddos.
The Godly Play workshop was an incredible eye opener. I can't wait to dive into the deep water and take the 3 day certification. Albeit, we may have to adapt and adjust even ease into the waters, but it will be so worthwhile for our wee kiddos.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Feeling wonky.
Sorry about this, but I feel less than peak health today. Let's just take some more quiet time. And think about the Living Waters...
This is a good Lenten meditation. going gently, s
This is a good Lenten meditation. going gently, s
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Yesterday, I asked you to challenge your minds, to think, to discern with your head.
Today, because I need some quiet time, I share with you, a favorite meditation, a prayer. Join me in a community of prayer and quieting of the mind and opening of the heart.
Today, because I need some quiet time, I share with you, a favorite meditation, a prayer. Join me in a community of prayer and quieting of the mind and opening of the heart.
opening the heart,
Monday, March 9, 2009
Food for thought...
Today in the Toronto Star there is an "op ed" from Rabbi emeritus Dow Marmur. It is a challenge to all Christians whether or not they actively participate within their religious institutions. Why not give it a read and comment back here what kinds of thoughts, emotions, and actions it provokes in you this Lenten season.
Click here! But please come back and share your feelings...
Click here! But please come back and share your feelings...
Friday, March 6, 2009
Abraham and Sarah
Special babies...aren't all babies special?
This Sunday we turn to a second covenant of G-d to humanity. (notice that we don't put the "o" in the name of the Holy One...because this is a Jewish story and in respect of their traditions we follow them.)
Often we think of these Hebrew Testament stories as something we learned as children with little to speak to our modern circumstances, but we err there.
Abram and Sarai were pioneers of faith, of relationship to the Divine, and that is no small leap of humanity. By comparison walking on the moon pales.
Both Abram and Sarai's families were idolatrous. Abram's father was a maker of idols, that is he made his living by selling idols to those who would worship them. Not use them as icons. Not use them to meditate on. But purely and simply to worship these statues. What Abraham discovers by listening to that still small voice that we call "G-d" is that this is folly. He tried to convince his father of this new concept (at the time) of One True G-d, but one can understand his father's reluctance to turn from what provided a good living or to live as a hypocrite.
The other matter to consider as we study this passage (or the entire story of Abraham and Sarah) is the altering of their names. Now today, it might not seem to be such a big deal, but then your name was very important and was given to you with great ceremony and thought. The slight change was far more major at that time and place. So consider your name and your nicknames...what do they say about you?
My English as a Second Language students were always amazed that most of their new Canadian friends did not know what their names "meant." But perhaps we could spend a little time wondering what our names mean. How did we come to have our name? What kinds of discussions did our parents and extended families have before they named us?
Imagine for a time, how difficult it must have been for Abraham and Sarah, not only to adjust to having new names, but to pull up stakes, to leave all they knew, a good income, many friends, a close-knit family. It was a place of comfort for sure that they left on a promise from G-d that they were chosen to be holy hands in G-d's world. Sit for a while and ponder what it would mean for you to follow the leading of that still small voice? Can you even hear it over the din of the world?
And of course, Sarah laughs when she hears that she is to be a mother at 90! What woman wouldn't? Perhaps you might like to read this book... together as a family.
Now... to go to a webpage that will help you to talk about this story together.Click here
This Sunday we turn to a second covenant of G-d to humanity. (notice that we don't put the "o" in the name of the Holy One...because this is a Jewish story and in respect of their traditions we follow them.)
Often we think of these Hebrew Testament stories as something we learned as children with little to speak to our modern circumstances, but we err there.
Abram and Sarai were pioneers of faith, of relationship to the Divine, and that is no small leap of humanity. By comparison walking on the moon pales.
Both Abram and Sarai's families were idolatrous. Abram's father was a maker of idols, that is he made his living by selling idols to those who would worship them. Not use them as icons. Not use them to meditate on. But purely and simply to worship these statues. What Abraham discovers by listening to that still small voice that we call "G-d" is that this is folly. He tried to convince his father of this new concept (at the time) of One True G-d, but one can understand his father's reluctance to turn from what provided a good living or to live as a hypocrite.
The other matter to consider as we study this passage (or the entire story of Abraham and Sarah) is the altering of their names. Now today, it might not seem to be such a big deal, but then your name was very important and was given to you with great ceremony and thought. The slight change was far more major at that time and place. So consider your name and your nicknames...what do they say about you?
My English as a Second Language students were always amazed that most of their new Canadian friends did not know what their names "meant." But perhaps we could spend a little time wondering what our names mean. How did we come to have our name? What kinds of discussions did our parents and extended families have before they named us?
Imagine for a time, how difficult it must have been for Abraham and Sarah, not only to adjust to having new names, but to pull up stakes, to leave all they knew, a good income, many friends, a close-knit family. It was a place of comfort for sure that they left on a promise from G-d that they were chosen to be holy hands in G-d's world. Sit for a while and ponder what it would mean for you to follow the leading of that still small voice? Can you even hear it over the din of the world?
And of course, Sarah laughs when she hears that she is to be a mother at 90! What woman wouldn't? Perhaps you might like to read this book... together as a family.
Now... to go to a webpage that will help you to talk about this story together.Click here
Friday, February 27, 2009
"I will set my bow in the sky"
This Sunday we read about God's covenant with Noah and all creation that no matter how much we fail to live in relationship that creation will never be destroyed ... by God's wrath...
If I could sing a rainbow, I would reassure all the children in my life that I am particularly fond of them and that they are precious in God's sight ...
and then I would try to live my life so that they would enjoy this glorious creation that is God's gracious gift to us. I don't sing as sweetly as angels though, so I thought I'd post this video to tell you.
If I could sing a rainbow, I would reassure all the children in my life that I am particularly fond of them and that they are precious in God's sight ...
and then I would try to live my life so that they would enjoy this glorious creation that is God's gracious gift to us. I don't sing as sweetly as angels though, so I thought I'd post this video to tell you.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Love is....
This session in Sunday School we have as our theme, "Love". The first thing I remember from nursery at Church was a verse, "God is Love." What else can we say? Here is a song that says it all. And when you get right down to it that's what our faith is all about, as easy and as hard as that can be to wrap your head and heart around.
Friday, February 20, 2009
For the young and the young at heart
An Ash Wednesday meditation... The caption reads, "For my thirtieth birthday, I gave myself some time away from it all....."
Ash Wednesday,
Meaford United Church,
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sun, glorious sun! and a little story for you...
I am home and it is sunny which makes working on the computer a challege. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. All went well at Pike Bay and Lion's Head. Pictures to come. For now I'd just like to post my little "Flicker" story. You can find other versions on the "dub dub dub" (that is the World Wide Web) but this is my interpretation. Hope you enjoy hearing it again...all my little snowbunnies!
Little Flicker was a curious little bird, All around he saw wonders and marvels. He really loved being him…even if he was just little and as some folks said…of little consequence. One February day he wondered what one snowflake weighed.
Why? Well, it just seemed a very good question to ask. Snow being a very big part of winter and all. People just ought to pay more attention. At least that’s what Little Flicker thought. And so he asked Wise Old Owl, “What exactly is the weight of one single snowflake?”
Wise Old Owl slowly turned his large head with the very big ears. He hunched his head down and ruffled his neck feathers. ‘What a bother these youngsters can be,’ he thought. Still, he gave the matter some deep thought and came to a wise old conclusion.
Wise Old Owl hooted softly (like grownups do when they are thinking deep thoughts and he gravely replied in his most serious tone, "Hooo hoooo hooo.” Why the weight of a single snowflake is nothing – nothing more than nothing."
Now Owl was indeed wise and an elder, so Little Flicker didn’t question his answer. It must be true. So he went about his business eating dried fruit and rose heps and seeds and in general, just having a lovely day.
As time passed, it started to snow. Ma and Pa Cardinal joined Little Flicker on the branch of the rose tree. First they ate a few heps and then they hopped down on the ground where there were lots of nyger, sunflower and coneflower seed. They also enjoyed the seeds that were left in this edge of the woods. Little Flicker asked them how much they thought a single snowflake weighed.
Ma just said, in her most motherly tones, “Well, my dear, here we sit covered in snowflakes and I can’t feel any difference. I would say that a single snowflake weighs nothing, nothing more than nothing.”
Pa nodded his red head sagely, “Yes, my dear, you are right indeed. Nothing more than nothing.” And with that they both fluffed their feathers and flew off.
There was no wind and the snow continued floating down like large goose feathers. They were so pretty – each flake different from the other – each flake beautiful as the finest lace. Little Flicker just enjoyed their company and thought about how beautiful the snow was instead of scientific facts for the moment.
Wyrel the Squirrel came by; he dusted the snow from his head as it tumbled from an overhanging branch. Little Flicker asked if the snow was heavy.
Wyrel just laughed, “Why not at all, chick,” he chuckled. “Snowfakes weigh nothing more than nothing!” And with that, off he scampered.
The rabbit family hopped into view, pink noses twitching. Snowflakes dusted their long white whiskers. Little Flicker watched as snowflake after snowflake drifted down on the bunnies.
It didn’t seem to weigh them down; maybe everyone was right and snow was weightless, of no great consequence. Perhaps a snowflake made no difference at all.
Little Flicker was tired from all his “research”.
Little Flicker rested on a branch of a maple tree, counting each snowflake that came to rest on the branch until he reached the number 1,973,864.
Then, with the settling of the very next flake – came a groan. A huge sigh-ing. Then creek; squeak; and a shattering KERAAAAASH!
The branch suddenly split from the rest of the tree, throwing the Little Flicker, the branch, and the snow to the ground – quite unceremoniously.
"That was surely a whole lot of nothing," said the Little Flicker, giving his head a shake and ruffling his every feather.
Maybe everyone else was wrong.
Maybe one little snowflake can make a difference – a big difference.
Maybe one little Flicker can make a big difference. Maybe even you can make a big difference. Maybe everything we do does count!
And with that Little Flicker started to sing as off he flew to share the good news.
Bye for now!
Lion's Head,
Pike Bay,
United Church of Canada
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Feed my Sheep
Are you all looking forward to homemade soup and bread at the brainstorming Sunday School Teachers' Meeting this Saturday, January 7th? Hope so!
But there is a surprise in store. A movie. Yes, a movie. I hope you all can stay to watch a wonderful movie that the Church Rocks Youth Group will view soon.
After this Rainforest session on Love, we'll be having a special 4 week session called "Holy Hands" which I am currently designing. The youth will be discussing the
movie, so it would be great if their parents and teachers were one step ahead. And we all know how hard that is!
Looking forward to getting to know everyone a little better. See you soon!
But there is a surprise in store. A movie. Yes, a movie. I hope you all can stay to watch a wonderful movie that the Church Rocks Youth Group will view soon.
After this Rainforest session on Love, we'll be having a special 4 week session called "Holy Hands" which I am currently designing. The youth will be discussing the
movie, so it would be great if their parents and teachers were one step ahead. And we all know how hard that is!
Looking forward to getting to know everyone a little better. See you soon!
Sunday School,
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Francis Sandy and Five Oaks
Good day!
Just in case you were wondering about my "theology" ... here's something I think significant. Both to us and to God. (as usual move your cursor over the picture and when you see a little white hand then click to enlarge the photo. When you've seen enough of the picture just click your "back" button on your browser (the green circle with a white 'more than' mathematical sign at the top left of your screen. That will return you to the "blog.") It's a little tongue in cheek and I received it from a friend named Lani in Nova Scotia. An art therapist and wonderful human being. You can visit her 14 Secrets blog here.
I realize that I have spoken frequently about Francis Sandy Theological Centre and Five Oaks, but that some -- if not many -- of you may not know anything about either wonderful retreat/resource centre.
I have given links, but I do want to share just a few pictures of these places -- which are actually on the same grounds near Paris, Ontario. I guess that will have to wait till tomorrow. I'm off to work on a secret puppet project!
art therapy,
Five Oaks,
Francis Sandy,
United Church of Canada
Monday, January 26, 2009
Covenanting Service
The children said their "lines" with such gusto!
Oh! The choir sang a wonderful gospel medley (just for me!) and we all danced like David!
A blessing on me.
And a growing gift to go with
this session's theme of
"Grow and be happy in your faith."
Philippians 1:24
Then I had a special time with the children discussing God's purpose for frogs (to care for the water). The whole congregation joined us in saying "Frog Prayers" over a cut glass bowl of water.
Oh this was such a special day for me! I just want to share some pictures with you before I get busy and get ready for an all-day PowerPoint in Worship workshop in Tara.
Christian education,
United Church of Canada,
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Getting back into the swing
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Rollin' up the sleeves!
Well hello all.
Yesterday went very well, pretty much a blur of activity, but wonderful just the same.
I had a short meeting with Rev. Judith...we're gonna get along just great!
Jim Oliver brought in a new carpet for my office which is really attractive. A kind of Southwestern design.
Diane -- the office manager -- got me set up with instructions, keys, etc. She is an invaluable asset that I mean to cherish.
Margaret, the Sunday School teachers, Rev. Judith and I shared soup and bread for lunch...which was yummy and a perfect way to get off on the right foot.
Margaret lead the meeting with the Sunday School teachers for this session. We are using the Rainbow Forest VBS curriculum and extending each day for five weeks. It is a great curriculum with so many ideas that you couldn't possibly get through them in a day.
Then we got down to nitty gritty planning and that's when I had to get involved. Great fun!
After the meeting Margaret and I set about to cleaning and organizing. We sure put in a full day. 6 and a half hours!
Then I got to drive Margaret home and see where she lives. Easy peasy to get back onto Hwy 26 and home in good time.
It was worth it. We did accomplish enough to make a difference and it's starting to feel like home already.
Yesterday went very well, pretty much a blur of activity, but wonderful just the same.
I had a short meeting with Rev. Judith...we're gonna get along just great!
Jim Oliver brought in a new carpet for my office which is really attractive. A kind of Southwestern design.
Diane -- the office manager -- got me set up with instructions, keys, etc. She is an invaluable asset that I mean to cherish.
Margaret, the Sunday School teachers, Rev. Judith and I shared soup and bread for lunch...which was yummy and a perfect way to get off on the right foot.
Margaret lead the meeting with the Sunday School teachers for this session. We are using the Rainbow Forest VBS curriculum and extending each day for five weeks. It is a great curriculum with so many ideas that you couldn't possibly get through them in a day.
Then we got down to nitty gritty planning and that's when I had to get involved. Great fun!
After the meeting Margaret and I set about to cleaning and organizing. We sure put in a full day. 6 and a half hours!
Then I got to drive Margaret home and see where she lives. Easy peasy to get back onto Hwy 26 and home in good time.
It was worth it. We did accomplish enough to make a difference and it's starting to feel like home already.
Rainbow Forest,
Sunday School,
Monday, January 5, 2009
These are guidelines for using the Alban Institute Roundtable blog. I find them very appealing as guidelines for life too.
I must admit to being bowled over by the incredible welcome I received from everyone at Meaford United Church yesterday.
Rev. Judith called me to the front and we sat with the children who gave me armloads of gifts. I don't shed tears in public, but I came close at that moment. I can hardly wait for Tuesday when I have my first office day and a meeting. Words are nowhere enough to describe my gratitude for being welcomed into such a wonderful family. This feels like a wonderful start to my journey.
God is good and I am one lucky person. Thanks everyone!
I must admit to being bowled over by the incredible welcome I received from everyone at Meaford United Church yesterday.
Rev. Judith called me to the front and we sat with the children who gave me armloads of gifts. I don't shed tears in public, but I came close at that moment. I can hardly wait for Tuesday when I have my first office day and a meeting. Words are nowhere enough to describe my gratitude for being welcomed into such a wonderful family. This feels like a wonderful start to my journey.
God is good and I am one lucky person. Thanks everyone!
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