Monday, January 26, 2009

Covenanting Service

The children said their "lines" with such gusto!

Oh! The choir sang a wonderful gospel medley (just for me!) and we all danced like David!

A blessing on me.
And a growing gift to go with
this session's theme of
"Grow and be happy in your faith."
Philippians 1:24

Then I had a special time with the children discussing God's purpose for frogs (to care for the water). The whole congregation joined us in saying "Frog Prayers" over a cut glass bowl of water.

Oh this was such a special day for me! I just want to share some pictures with you before I get busy and get ready for an all-day PowerPoint in Worship workshop in Tara.


  1. Welcome to MUC Susanna. This was a beautiful service. Our family looks forward to your leadership. I will be assisting Sunday School tomorrow and would appreciate any coorrespondence for the lesson that you could provide. Take care and God Bless.

  2. So sorry that I didn't get back to you in time, Sara. Hope to see you on Saturday for soup and bread and a movie!
