Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Gone Fishin'

and if you like this (and I sure did) go here

Enjoy your summer!
Remember to visit me at my personal page if you miss me! Ha Ha Ha!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sunday School Picnic -- June 14th

Hope everyone is hyped for the big picnic...and the "very first Church Picnic" play performed by all our kids and written by congregant, Wayne Bryant. A perfect close to the Sunday School year. We'll be dressed a tad bit more informally than in this photo...but you can bet there will be watermelon!

By the way, this blog will close down soon as I leave for summer R&R which means gardening, reading, and just spending time with my honey.

See you at the end of August for Vacation Bible School
August 17th through 21st.
Have a great summer.
God's peace.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Thomas Berry dies at 94

It is a sad day for me...for Thomas Berry who calls himself not a theologian , but a geologian (an Earth scholar) has left us to carry on his "great work." May we be worthy...