Friday, February 27, 2009

"I will set my bow in the sky"

This Sunday we read about God's covenant with Noah and all creation that no matter how much we fail to live in relationship that creation will never be destroyed ... by God's wrath...
If I could sing a rainbow, I would reassure all the children in my life that I am particularly fond of them and that they are precious in God's sight ...
and then I would try to live my life so that they would enjoy this glorious creation that is God's gracious gift to us. I don't sing as sweetly as angels though, so I thought I'd post this video to tell you.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Love is....

This session in Sunday School we have as our theme, "Love". The first thing I remember from nursery at Church was a verse, "God is Love." What else can we say? Here is a song that says it all. And when you get right down to it that's what our faith is all about, as easy and as hard as that can be to wrap your head and heart around.

Friday, February 20, 2009

For the young and the young at heart

An Ash Wednesday meditation... The caption reads, "For my thirtieth birthday, I gave myself some time away from it all....."

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sun, glorious sun! and a little story for you...

I am home and it is sunny which makes working on the computer a challege. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. All went well at Pike Bay and Lion's Head. Pictures to come. For now I'd just like to post my little "Flicker" story. You can find other versions on the "dub dub dub" (that is the World Wide Web) but this is my interpretation. Hope you enjoy hearing it again...all my little snowbunnies!

Little Flicker was a curious little bird, All around he saw wonders and marvels. He really loved being him…even if he was just little and as some folks said…of little consequence. One February day he wondered what one snowflake weighed.

Why? Well, it just seemed a very good question to ask. Snow being a very big part of winter and all. People just ought to pay more attention. At least that’s what Little Flicker thought. And so he asked Wise Old Owl, “What exactly is the weight of one single snowflake?”

Wise Old Owl slowly turned his large head with the very big ears. He hunched his head down and ruffled his neck feathers. ‘What a bother these youngsters can be,’ he thought. Still, he gave the matter some deep thought and came to a wise old conclusion.

Wise Old Owl hooted softly (like grownups do when they are thinking deep thoughts and he gravely replied in his most serious tone, "Hooo hoooo hooo.” Why the weight of a single snowflake is nothing – nothing more than nothing."

Now Owl was indeed wise and an elder, so Little Flicker didn’t question his answer. It must be true. So he went about his business eating dried fruit and rose heps and seeds and in general, just having a lovely day.

As time passed, it started to snow. Ma and Pa Cardinal joined Little Flicker on the branch of the rose tree. First they ate a few heps and then they hopped down on the ground where there were lots of nyger, sunflower and coneflower seed. They also enjoyed the seeds that were left in this edge of the woods. Little Flicker asked them how much they thought a single snowflake weighed.

Ma just said, in her most motherly tones, “Well, my dear, here we sit covered in snowflakes and I can’t feel any difference. I would say that a single snowflake weighs nothing, nothing more than nothing.”
Pa nodded his red head sagely, “Yes, my dear, you are right indeed. Nothing more than nothing.” And with that they both fluffed their feathers and flew off.

There was no wind and the snow continued floating down like large goose feathers. They were so pretty – each flake different from the other – each flake beautiful as the finest lace. Little Flicker just enjoyed their company and thought about how beautiful the snow was instead of scientific facts for the moment.

Wyrel the Squirrel came by; he dusted the snow from his head as it tumbled from an overhanging branch. Little Flicker asked if the snow was heavy.

Wyrel just laughed, “Why not at all, chick,” he chuckled. “Snowfakes weigh nothing more than nothing!” And with that, off he scampered.

The rabbit family hopped into view, pink noses twitching. Snowflakes dusted their long white whiskers. Little Flicker watched as snowflake after snowflake drifted down on the bunnies.

It didn’t seem to weigh them down; maybe everyone was right and snow was weightless, of no great consequence. Perhaps a snowflake made no difference at all.

Little Flicker was tired from all his “research”.

Little Flicker rested on a branch of a maple tree, counting each snowflake that came to rest on the branch until he reached the number 1,973,864.

Then, with the settling of the very next flake – came a groan. A huge sigh-ing. Then creek; squeak; and a shattering KERAAAAASH!

The branch suddenly split from the rest of the tree, throwing the Little Flicker, the branch, and the snow to the ground – quite unceremoniously.

"That was surely a whole lot of nothing," said the Little Flicker, giving his head a shake and ruffling his every feather.

Maybe everyone else was wrong.

Maybe one little snowflake can make a difference – a big difference.

Maybe one little Flicker can make a big difference. Maybe even you can make a big difference. Maybe everything we do does count!

And with that Little Flicker started to sing as off he flew to share the good news.

Bye for now!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Feed my Sheep

Are you all looking forward to homemade soup and bread at the brainstorming Sunday School Teachers' Meeting this Saturday, January 7th? Hope so!

But there is a surprise in store. A movie. Yes, a movie. I hope you all can stay to watch a wonderful movie that the Church Rocks Youth Group will view soon.

After this Rainforest session on Love, we'll be having a special 4 week session called "Holy Hands" which I am currently designing. The youth will be discussing the
movie, so it would be great if their parents and teachers were one step ahead. And we all know how hard that is!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone a little better. See you soon!