Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Francis Sandy and Five Oaks

Good day!

Just in case you were wondering about my "theology" ... here's something I think significant. Both to us and to God. (as usual move your cursor over the picture and when you see a little white hand then click to enlarge the photo. When you've seen enough of the picture just click your "back" button on your browser (the green circle with a white 'more than' mathematical sign at the top left of your screen. That will return you to the "blog.") It's a little tongue in cheek and I received it from a friend named Lani in Nova Scotia. An art therapist and wonderful human being. You can visit her 14 Secrets blog here.

I realize that I have spoken frequently about Francis Sandy Theological Centre and Five Oaks, but that some -- if not many -- of you may not know anything about either wonderful retreat/resource centre.

I have given links, but I do want to share just a few pictures of these places -- which are actually on the same grounds near Paris, Ontario. I guess that will have to wait till tomorrow. I'm off to work on a secret puppet project!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Covenanting Service

The children said their "lines" with such gusto!

Oh! The choir sang a wonderful gospel medley (just for me!) and we all danced like David!

A blessing on me.
And a growing gift to go with
this session's theme of
"Grow and be happy in your faith."
Philippians 1:24

Then I had a special time with the children discussing God's purpose for frogs (to care for the water). The whole congregation joined us in saying "Frog Prayers" over a cut glass bowl of water.

Oh this was such a special day for me! I just want to share some pictures with you before I get busy and get ready for an all-day PowerPoint in Worship workshop in Tara.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Getting back into the swing

Well, I do apologize for neglecting you. I spent last week at Francis Sandy Theological Centre and the weekend in London, but I promise to get pictures from FSTC and the Covenanting Service loade asap.

See you soon...maybe even tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rollin' up the sleeves!

Well hello all.

Yesterday went very well, pretty much a blur of activity, but wonderful just the same.

I had a short meeting with Rev. Judith...we're gonna get along just great!

Jim Oliver brought in a new carpet for my office which is really attractive. A kind of Southwestern design.

Diane -- the office manager -- got me set up with instructions, keys, etc. She is an invaluable asset that I mean to cherish.

Margaret, the Sunday School teachers, Rev. Judith and I shared soup and bread for lunch...which was yummy and a perfect way to get off on the right foot.

Margaret lead the meeting with the Sunday School teachers for this session. We are using the Rainbow Forest VBS curriculum and extending each day for five weeks. It is a great curriculum with so many ideas that you couldn't possibly get through them in a day.

Then we got down to nitty gritty planning and that's when I had to get involved. Great fun!

After the meeting Margaret and I set about to cleaning and organizing. We sure put in a full day. 6 and a half hours!

Then I got to drive Margaret home and see where she lives. Easy peasy to get back onto Hwy 26 and home in good time.

It was worth it. We did accomplish enough to make a difference and it's starting to feel like home already.

Monday, January 5, 2009

These are guidelines for using the Alban Institute Roundtable blog. I find them very appealing as guidelines for life too.

I must admit to being bowled over by the incredible welcome I received from everyone at Meaford United Church yesterday.

Rev. Judith called me to the front and we sat with the children who gave me armloads of gifts. I don't shed tears in public, but I came close at that moment. I can hardly wait for Tuesday when I have my first office day and a meeting. Words are nowhere enough to describe my gratitude for being welcomed into such a wonderful family. This feels like a wonderful start to my journey.

God is good and I am one lucky person. Thanks everyone!